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To Your Health June 2013


Healthy Mother = Healthy Baby: What to Know Before Pregnancy

1796_25218_TH_8151.jpgDeciding to have a baby is one of the most important decisions a woman will ever make. But how many women are really prepared for a healthy pregnancy? Lifestyle choices that expose them to chemicals, stress and poor nutrition may negatively effect their ability to become pregnant and/or prenatal outcomes. Here are some of the key considerations to... Read More


Beat High Blood Pressure With Yoga

1794_25219_TH_5009.jpgIf you are looking to lower your blood pressure, yoga might be the answer. A new study has found that yoga has countless benefits for people who have high blood pressure. The study was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hypertension recently. By simply practicing yoga, people with mild to moderate hypertension could decrease their...Read More

Insomnia: What It Could Mean


Sleep is essential for your body to heal…so what happens if you can't fall asleep or you have trouble maintaining sleep? When that happens, it can be extremely frustrating because for most of us, how we perform or feel the next day, depends on how well we've slept the night before. I know that I personally am not at my best if I don't get a good night of...Read More


Protein and Weight Loss: What's the Connection?

1795_25222_TH_9879.jpgRecently I was asked by the staff at To Your Health to referee some of their water-cooler discussions regarding nutrition. Topping their list was this one about protein and weight loss: "Why is protein important for weight loss and how much should I eat (to lose weight)?" Before I answer, I would like to share a few thoughts on weight loss in...Read More

Dealing with Menopause the Right Way

Menopause is a normal part of aging. Although there are other parts of aging that seem more fun than this, there are ways to help ourselves transition through this period with less discomfort. When we go through menopause, the sex hormone production from our sex organs are diminishing and hence we can feel its impact through symptoms such as vaginal...Read More

Fishing For Fish Oil

How many times a week do you eat fish? Unfortunately, we do not eat enough fish in my house. One study found that modest fish consumption (1-2 serving per week) reduced the risk of fatal heart attacks by 36%. Fish oil supplementation is an easy way to get some of the health benefits associated with regular fish consumption. DHA and EPA are the... Read More